Instructions to authors
The VI Latin American Congress of Social Marketing welcomes submissions of scientific studies, represented by full articles or expanded abstracts.
Researchers in marketing and related areas are invited to submit their articles or abstracts in English, Portuguese or Spanish to the event, bringing their valuable contributions to the area of Social Marketing. The topics to be covered at the event include:
- Value co-creation in non-profit organizations;
- Behavior of donors/sponsors of non-profit organizations;
- Behavior of clients/beneficiaries of non-profit organizations;
- Responsible consumption; Sustainable mining;
- Sustainable development and stakeholders;
- Circular economy, Social and Solidarity economy, Green economy;
- Business ethics;
- Management of non-profit organizations, Purpose-driven companies, B Corps;
- Volunteer management, Fourth sector, Responsible ecosystems;
- Innovation and social entrepreneurship, Inclusive business;
- Artificial intelligence;
- Marketing of social causes (cause-related marketing);
- Marketing in cooperatives and business associations;
- Social marketing in public and/or private organizations, Green marketing
- Marketing perspectives in social organizations;
- Relations between public services and the third sector, Public marketing;
- Corporate social responsibility, Intersectoral alliances and public-private collaborations;
- • Social marketing in collective health, Sustainable tourism;
- Other related topics.
The evaluation of submitted articles and abstracts will be carried out by members of the event’s scientific committee, and authorship information will be removed from the article/abstract during the evaluation process. Each article/abstract can have a maximum of 5 authors and one author can submit up to 3 articles/abstracts for the event.
The presentation of the article/abstract at the event, as well as its inclusion in the proceedings and fast tracks, is subject to the registration of at least one of the authors at the event. To standardize articles/abstracts, authors must use the previously defined formats:

Submissions for the event are via email. Submit to:
When submitting the article/abstract (mandatory in Word), indicate the topic related to the article/abstract. Approval communication will also be carried out by email.
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