Instructions for Submission

Confirm below the instructions for submission of manuscripts and the types of articles accepted

Submission of Works

The submission of papers should take place at Authors must submit a cover letter, noting that the submission refers to the BBR Conference. For example “We request that this submission be considered for participation in the BBR Conference.”

The cover letter must be uploaded in Step 2 of the submission. When uploading the article, authors must choose the designation “supplementary file not for review”.

The article must be submitted in English.

The 12 (twelve) best works for presentation at the 3rd BBR Conference will be selected.

All articles submitted to the BBR Conference must be unpublished, that is, may not have been published or submitted to another journal—in Brazil or abroad. Papers published in the fields of academic meetings, such as congresses, seminars, symposia, etc. will be considered unpublished, and the BBR Conference encourages authors of such studies to format them in the pattern of articles and submit them for evaluation.

The articles submitted to the BBR Conference will be first examined by the editor as to their suitability to the mission and objectives of the journal. If they meet this condition, they will be evaluated by a double blind review system by at least two consultants from the BBR referee corps. The result of the evaluation will be forwarded to the first author of the work, by e-mail.

The accepted word processing system is Word 6.0 or higher

Font: Times New Roman, size 12
Line spacing: 1.5
Alignment: justified
Margins: top and left: 3 cm, bottom and right: 2 cm;

Number of words, including title, abstract, text, references and illustrations: between 6,000 and 8,000 words for theoretical-empirical articles

Citations should be made in the body of the text in the author-data system, including page numbers (when applicable), according to ABNT NBR 10520. The expressions Id., Ibid., Op. cit., Loc. Cit and similar should not be used.

The complete references of the cited works should be presented alphabetically at the end of the text, according to the rules of the APA, seventh edition.

Illustrations such as figures, pictures, and tables should be prepared according to the APA standard, seventh edition. They should be in black and white, and presented along with subtitles, credits, and sources. If there are illustrations imported from other programs, such as Excel or Power Point, please also send the source file. Reference and explanatory notes should be avoided. The strictly necessary notes must be numbered sequentially in the body of the text and inserted at the end of the text, before the references.
The article should be submitted in a file containing the text of the article itself, with the characteristics described below.

The first page should include:

A: Title of the article (Portuguese and English)
B: Abstract (English), containing between 120 and 160 words;
C: Between three and five keywords (English)
D: Abstract (Portuguese) text with the same content as the abstract in English
C: Key words (Portuguese)

From the second page should come the body of the article

To ensure the anonymity of the evaluation process, the author(s) should not identify themselves in the body of the article. The content of the articles shall contain, wherever possible
A: objectives
B: theoretical reference framework
C: methodology
D: Results and discussion
E: conclusions, limitations, recommendations of an academic and practical nature
F: references
G: appendices and annexes.


The articles submitted must be related to the business field (Administration, Accounting Sciences, Economics). Topics not included among the above options may be excluded from the selection process if the judging committee so decides.

Registration for the event

Registration will be announced on the FUCAPE website (, on the BBR Conference website (, and via e-mail and social networks on June 4, 2023.


The Evaluating Committee is sovereign, within its respective functions, and its decisions are not subject to any challenge or appeal.

Final provisions

The inclusion of papers implies acceptance by the author(s) of all the provisions contained in this regulation. A raffle will be made among the authors of papers accepted for definition of the day of presentation, and, if the author can not attend, the opportunity will be passed on.


The authors of the accepted works will assure that they are the holders of the copyrights relevant to their respective works, and will cede to BBR the full right of reproduction for the work in question, for dissemination on its publication or in the media and their respective websites, newspapers and / or magazines.


All other items and sub-items of the regulation that have not been expressly ratified by this instrument are revoked.

Omitted Cases

The omitted cases will be resolved by the representatives of the Judging Committee.

Vitória (ES), 1 September 2022.

BBR Conference Coordination