Event Organizers

The 3rd Brazilian Business Review Conference (BBR Conference), will take place on the 19th, 20th, and 21st of June, 2023. The conference is promoted by the Brazilian Business Review – BBR Online, an academic journal in the field of business, which has received the highest classification from CAPES (A2) in the state of Espírito Santo.

Brazilian Business Review Conference

Meet the Organizers

BBR Conference will be organized by the following researchers:

Bruno Felix

Coordenador geral do evento

Ph.D. in Business Administration from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, with a sandwich period at the Department of Social Psychology at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. His research areas include identities in the context of work, occupational callings, diversity and career shocks

Ana Carolina


Postdoctoral in progress at FUCAPE Business School. Ph.D. in Business Administration from Federal University of Espírito Santo. Bachelor in International Relations from University of Brasília – UnB, with a sandwich period at Universidad Católica Argentina. Research Interests: Identities and Identification Process in Organizations, Organizational Change, Strategy as Practice, Organizational and Management Studies, Flat Ontology, Organization-Nature Relations.