Programação Completa

Nos dias 19, 20 e 21 de julho de 2023, será realizada a 3ª Brazilian Business Review Conference (BBR Conference), promovida pela Brazilian Business Review – BBR online, Revista Científica da área de Negócios com a melhor classificação CAPES (A2) do Espírito Santo.

Programação Completa

19 de julho

10h – Abertura da Conferência

10h30 – Panel Session 1

  • Strategic management accounting: a case study of a utility Company
  • Market Concentration and Implicit Taxes: An Analysis of Brazilian Firms

12h – Intervalo

14h – Workshop com Glen Kreiner (The University of Utah – Estados Unidos)

15h – Panel Session 2

  • The Agency Cost of Concentrated Institutional Ownership: Evidence from Indonesia
  • Advancements in corporative disclosure research on social media: a systematic review of accounting literature

16h30 – Intervalo

17h – Workshop Anne Ehinger (Florida State University – USA)

18h – Encerramento

20 de julho

10h – abertura

10h30 – Panel Session 3

  • Strategic capabilities and competitive performance of firms: development, emerging trends and future research agenda
  • Dividend distribution prediction for small- and medium-sized enterprises in an emerging economy

12h – Intervalo

14h – Workshop com Sofia Lourenço (Universidade de Lisboa – Portugal)

15h – Panel Session 4

  • Washing? Influence of false market discourses
  • Fraud outbreak and Stock Market Behaviour: Evidence from Indian Banking Sector

16h30 – Intervalo

17h – Workshop com Samuel Tiras (Indiana University – USA)

18h – Encerramento

21 de julho

10h – Abertura

10h30 – Panel Session 5

  • The impact of human and network resources on export performance of Indian manufacturing SMEs- the mediating effect of financial capability.
  • Experiences of brazilian women who interrupt their careers to dedicate themselves to motherhood

12h – Intervalo

14h – Workshop com Evgenia Lysova (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – Holland)

15h – Panel Session 6

  • Dynamic capabilities and environmental uncertainties: the challenges and opportunities for the international growth of brazilian technological-based companies
  • Longitudinal effects of quality of working life on organizational ties

16h30 – Intervalo

17h – Walter Wymer (Universidade de Lethbridge – CA)

18h – Encerramento